Saturday 2 March 2013

ヅ✿ Cara Utk Mencari ramai kawan ✿ヅ

hye peeps this is my first entry  so i would like to share with others how to make  friends..i know other people around me its diffuclt to get  friends..lets read my entry how way i use to close wif people around me ..kita penah dgr pepatah kan " kawan bia bribu"..sebelum tue anda kna tahu ape maksud "Friend".. for me kawan itu ibarat like our own family..xkan melupakan kita and selalu bersama kita tika kita ssh atau sng..kawan yg sntiasa setia and jujur dgn kita..kawan yg simpan rahsia kita.. i believe that every one have a close friend or other name calls best friend hargai la kawan baik kita jgn tikam atau burukkan namanya..anda semua kna ingt sekali  u burukkan nama org one day nama u akan lagi buruk and hina dri org yg anda burukkan..just utk peringatan yeah ~ oke lets read all my point :-
  1. Spend more time around people.
  2. Join a sports team 
  3. Volunteer
  4. Make eye contact and smile  
  5. Start a conversation. 
  6. Don't do anything to pressure someone into being friends with you.
  7. Be loyal to a friend.
  8. Be a good friend.
  9.  Be reliable.
  10. Be a good listener
  11. Be trustworthy.
  12. Choose your friends wisely
  13. Encourage your friend:
  14. Get a job, many people meet and socialize that way.
  15. Be confident
~ ok that all qiela harap point ini semua can help u guys to find a true friend..wink wink..~

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